Hello. I've been trying to figure out one thing for a long time. Situation is in tunnel. So you dont have a flat point cloud. When drilling a tunnel, after blast a new 5m section is scanned. Then this section is sprayed with shotcrete. At the next drilling and blast, a new scan is made. On the new s...
Hi, my task is to compare two models. However, the output must be in .dwg. My plan was to create a .dxf then a .dwg. But unfortunately .dxf does not store colors. I've tried other formats as .obj but I'm still having trouble with converting .obj to colored .dwg. Do you have any ideas? Please.
Hello Daniel,
I've figured it out. I have the best solution when I used triangulated surface (normals) and I increased the weight of the points in Poisson. Have a nice day :)
Hello All. Please, how can I make a 3D triangulation model? I have a point cloud from scanning the tunnel and I need to make it a 3D triangulation model. I tried it through poissonRecon. But I was not satisfied with the result. Because if I compared the network with the points I created it the devia...