Im quite new at pointcloud modelling (also spanish speaker, so please forgive me for my english).
I would like to know which is the workflow to make a comparation between a laser pointcloud and a solid/surface (not a mesh) with CC.
I´m making my way through Geomagic DesignX, modelling the scan data. The solid/surface export formats from Geomagic dosen´t seem to be compatible with CC :
Could anyone tell me which would be the correct workflow for this? Is there a way to generate tecnical pdf reports after making the comparation?
Geomagic/CC - Workflow
Re: Geomagic/CC - Workflow
CloudCompare only handles surface (triangular) meshes.
And nope, you can't generate PDF files afterwards :D.
And nope, you can't generate PDF files afterwards :D.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: Geomagic/CC - Workflow
FreeCAD https://www.freecadweb.org/ might help, ... it imports some nurbs formats, and it can create a triangulated surface from a nurbs model.