qAnimation Video Artifacts

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qAnimation Video Artifacts

Post by sgreen »

Has anyone else had an issue were qAnimation gives you a lot of artifacts at the beginning of an animation? The only was I could get rid of this was to push the bit rate over 50,000 kbps which made my 15 second video over 100mb! Super resolution or zoom seems to have no effect on the outcome, I've tried it at all settings with different output file formats and still get artifacts in the video...I've tried .avi, .mp4,. .ogv, and .webm going through all different bit rates up to 60,000 kbps and all 4 levels of super resolution and zoom. I've also used frame rates 24, 25, and 30. Anyone have any ideas about this? Thanks!

Sidebar Question: qAnimation seems to not be using the default point size saved in the viewport. Anyone have this problem too? Thanks!
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Re: qAnimation Video Artifacts

Post by daniel »

Do you see these artifacts with different video players? Some are better than others (try VLC for instance).

And by the way, which version of CC are you using (and on which OS)?

For the point size, I'll have to take a closer look at the code (meanwhile you can set the point size on the cloud directly to avoid this problem).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: qAnimation Video Artifacts

Post by sgreen »

I see the artifacts with all players; VLC, Quicktime, Windows Movie and TV Player.

I'm using 2.9 Omnia on Windows 10 currently but this issue also occurred in 2.8.

And I've tried changing the point size of the cloud itself and the default point size, it changes in the display but doesn't seem to export the video with the larger point size.
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Re: qAnimation Video Artifacts

Post by daniel »

On my side I've tested some things:
- the default point size is correctly stored in the Viewport structure. It's the one that was active at the time you saved the viewport. You can test that by clicking on the 'Apply' button in the properties of the Viewport item. Of course if the point cloud 'point size' property is not set to 'default', the default parameter won't have any effect. And if you need to change the point size afterwards, you can 'Apply' the viewport, change the point size, and then 'Update' it with the dedicated button.

- make sure the 'zoom' parameter is set to 1 (otherwise the resolution is increased, and indeed in this case the point size is not changed and you might feel the point size is wrong)

- if there are too many holes between the points (maybe due to this point size issue), along with the gradient background, it may become tricky for the compression algorithms that may create more artefacts. The smaller the bitrate, the more compression is needed, and therefore the more artefacts you'll get.

- last but not least, sadly the codecs used by the video rendering libraries depend on your system, and it's not possible yet to know and control which codec is used for a given video extension... therefore it may change the behavior a little bit. However I believe the points above may be sufficient to explain the artefacts.

Another option may be to render the animation frames (instead of a video) and use another tool to convert the series of frame into a video (with maybe more options).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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