Hello, sorry if it is a dumb question. I am trying to plot the histogram data of a point cloud in LibreOffice Calc but I am not sure which range of values will go on x-axis and y-axis. I have imported .csv file into Calc and separated each column. Now I have four columns namely 'Class', 'Value', 'Class start', and 'Class end'. How can I plot these values that should look like histogram I have in CloudCompare.
P.S- I am doing this in LibreOffice because I have to compare multiple point clouds that should have equal data ranges on x-axis and y-axis.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
How to plot Histogram data in Excel/LibreCalc
Re: How to plot Histogram data in Excel/LibreCalc
Are you exporting the file from the 'Histogram' dialog of CloudCompare?
In this case I think that the easiest way to reproduce the histogram in a spreadsheet tool would be to compute the class center (as the average between 'class start' and 'class end') and use it as 'x', and then use the 'Value' as 'y'?
In this case I think that the easiest way to reproduce the histogram in a spreadsheet tool would be to compute the class center (as the average between 'class start' and 'class end') and use it as 'x', and then use the 'Value' as 'y'?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin