Invisible folder + problem at launch

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Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by marc.peruz »


Sorry in advance if this problem has already been mentioned, but I can't find anything about it neither on the forum nor on google.

I've just downloaded CloudCompare using snap on linux, with :

Code: Select all

snap install cloudcompare
It seems to be working fine, though I do have some error messages when launching :

Code: Select all

/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
My problem is I can't seem to see some folders on the File>Open window, one named "localstorage" for instance, located at the root. It is supposedly not a permission problem because I have all (read, write, execute) of them. Another directory, at the same location with similar privileges, named "tmp", is properly seen.

Furthermore, when I go in this directory and try top open in command line a .laz file :

Code: Select all

cloudcompare -O file.laz
I get the error :

Code: Select all

[Load] File '2010215_Helimap_SFM_M.laz' doesn't exist!
but this file does exist, and has not particular characters. When I copy it to a visible folder, it is clearly seen (though I can't open it for compression issue, but that's another problem...).

Would you have an idea why this is happening?

Best regards.

EDIT : actually the folder tmp is visible, but anything that's inside it is invisible. Going inside an "invisible folder" from a browser outside CloudCompare, I tried to drag an d drop a file to CloudCompare, it also tells me the file does not exist.
EDIT2 : Converting my laz files to las format fixed the other issue of not being able to open laz files
Last edited by marc.peruz on Wed May 23, 2018 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 22, 2018 8:40 am

Re: Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by marc.peruz »

Little update :

I edited my last post where there were some minor errors. Plus today I have a new problem : I can't launch cloudcompare anymore. This is what I get when I launch it in terminal :

Code: Select all

/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131': Permission denied
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Desktop
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Downloads
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Templates
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Public
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Documents
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Music
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Pictures
Can't create dir /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/Videos
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/fontconfig': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/fonts': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/fonts-*': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/themes': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/.themes': Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share': Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.themes': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/mime': Permission denied
cp: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share': Permission denied
Directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/mime/packages' does not exist!
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gio-modules': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gio-modules': Permission denied
Unable to open directory /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gio-modules: Error opening directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gio-modules': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas': Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas': Permission denied
Error opening directory '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache': Permission denied
/snap/cloudcompare/131/bin/desktop-launch: line 219: /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.cache/gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache: Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/Adwaita': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/DMZ-Black': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/DMZ-White': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/Humanity': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/Humanity-Dark': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/LoginIcons': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/default': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/hicolor': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/hicolor': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/locolor': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/hicolor': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.local/share/icons/locolor': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131’: Permission denied
ln: failed to access '/home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini': Permission denied
/snap/cloudcompare/131/bin/desktop-launch: line 302: /home/myname/snap/cloudcompare/131/.last_revision: Permission denied
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
There seem to be some permission issue. If I delete folder 131 before the launch, and then launch cloudcompare, it is created again (although the error message says it can't). But there's nothing inside (apart from the hidden folder . and ..). I could launch CloudCompare without any problem yesterday. With terminal I can create any folder I want in the 131 folder.

I'm running on Ubuntu 16.04 and xfce.

The funny part is I installed Cloud Compare on my laptop (Ubuntu 16.04 and xfce also). On my laptop I also have some invisible folders at the root, and all the folders in /tmp are invisible. No problem to launch CloudCompare though.
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Re: Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by daniel »

I'm afraid I can't help you with the Linux version ;). You'll have to wait for our expert (Romain!)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 22, 2018 8:40 am

Re: Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by marc.peruz »

Ok thanks!
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 22, 2018 8:40 am

Re: Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by marc.peruz »


By any chance, would you have sorted this problem with the invisible folders?

I updated Ubuntu to version 18.04.1 LTS and still have the same problem. However now I can launch cloudcompare, though I still have an error message when doing so :

Code: Select all

/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/28079': Permission denied
Now when I try to open a file within an invisible folder directly with the cloudcompare -O command, I get :

Code: Select all

/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/28079': Permission denied
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
Best wishes for 2019,

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Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:36 pm

Re: Invisible folder + problem at launch

Post by aerogt3 »

I am having the same issue. First, I was unable to see or open any files from a mounted drive. So I moved the files to /tmp, and the problem persists. I can read them if I copy them to my home directory, but it would be nice to have access across the full file system.
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