I'm trying to run the command line version of CloudCompare via Python 3 in order to compute distances between a point cloud generated from one mesh (a 3D bone surface segmentation, generated from CT images) and another mesh (3D air surface segmentation) using -C2M_DIST. I'm using CloudCompare 2.10.1 (edge) on ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
My problem is similar to this older question.
If I sample the bone mesh to generate a point cloud and then compute distances to the air mesh, everything works fine:
Code: Select all
cloudcompare.CloudCompare -SILENT -AUTO_SAVE ON -NO_TIMESTAMP -C_EXPORT_FMT PLY -O /path/to/bone.ply -SAMPLE_MESH POINTS 100000 -O /path/to/air.ply
So I'd like to use the vertices of the bone mesh instead of sampling using a certain number or density of points. If I can obtain the distances computed for all vertices, I can use this information to then color the vertices of the original bone mesh. Since CloudCompare 2.10.1 is available for Linux now, I was hoping I could use -EXTRACT_VERTICES for this.
In the wiki, the command is listed as:
Code: Select all
-EXTRACT_VERTICES {method} {parameter}
What would a minimalist way to use -EXTRACT_VERTICES look like? Shouldn't it just be:
Code: Select all
cloudcompare.CloudCompare -O /path/to/bone.ply -EXTRACT_VERTICES
But I'm either getting Unknown or misplaced command: '-EXTRACT_VERTICES' or I don't find any saved files. I'm assuming a .bin file should be saved if successful.
Should -EXTRACT_VERTICES work when using the command line version of CloudCompare 2.10.1 (edge) for Linux? Or when using the stable or beta versions, which I also tried without success? If it should work, how?