Rasterization bug?

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Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:57 pm

Rasterization bug?

Post by PablerasBCN »

Hi, I'm using v2.11

I whanted to save a normal map as a image file so I whent to rasterization window and if you choose for output "Image" rather than "Raster" Image seems to allways output RGB no matter what you select as active layer and independently of what is shown in the preview.

For this case of the normal map, outputing as raster did the job, to me it beign as .png instead of .jpg, is ok.
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funnye enough for exporting PCV iluminance I coudl not use raster because creates very rare bandings, so I had to bake as RGB color and print as image (which aparently only render RGB no matter what channel is active).
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Re: Rasterization bug?

Post by PablerasBCN »

I've tried again, the issue with the normals is

If active layers is Dip direction(degrees) and you hit "raster" button, and choose active layer, it prints a white/black banded glitched image. You've to convert normals to HSV colors and hit "raster" and choose to "RGB" "export RGB colors " instead. This ruins you RGB channel for the cloud tho.
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Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:57 pm

Re: Rasterization bug?

Post by PablerasBCN »

Here an example when tryin g to print PCV

In preview loks great, you can see I try to export active layer you can si in irfan view how weird it looks.

I've to "bake" into the RGB and then Export RGB colores in raster.

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