Local coordinates

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Axel G
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:27 am

Local coordinates

Post by Axel G »

Hi Daniel!
[French version below]
Hope you're doing well :)

First of all, thanks for your soft, it's great, I'm using it for registration, quick segmentation and reconstruction it's really amazing.
I've got a question!
Do you think, you'll implement "local" coordinates ? Or is it already implemented and I didn't notice it ? I've seen this :
But i don't really know how elaborate it is, if it does what I want and if I can tweak it to my liking!
Thanks :)

[French version]
J'espère que tout se passe bien, j'ai un ami à Grenoble aussi, il a l'air de bien se porter mais bon... On verra bien les annonces de ce vendredi étant donné que notre cher président parle!
Est-ce qu'il est possible d'avoir les coordonnées locales d'un objet ? Autrement dit, la position et rotation d'un objet relativement à un autre (donc le "Transform" d'un objet dans le repère lié à l'autre objet). Je me sers de CC pour faire de la registration et j'en aurai bien besoin pour l'exporter facilement dans Unity sans avoir à remettre tous mes modèles en 0,0,0, etc etc. Avoir le positionnement relatif me faciliterait pas mal la vie, penses tu que ce soit faisable ? J'ai vu ça:
Mais je ne sais pas à quel point c'est avancé et si c'est possible de build l'appli sachant qu'il y a quand même pas mal de commit en retard.

Merci beaucoup pour ton travail :)

Bien à toi,
Best regards,
Axel G :)
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Re: Local coordinates

Post by daniel »

Hi, the 'Local coordinate system primitive' is really just a 3D object which is displayed on screen to represent a coordinate system (an origin, and 3 axes). It cannot be used (for now) to projet the coordinates to this coordinate system.

However, this object should have a 'transformation history' matrix (accessible in the entity properties). You can copy this matrix and paste it in the "Edit
> Apply transformation' tool to apply its inverse and project the points this way?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Axel G
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:27 am

Re: Local coordinates

Post by Axel G »

Hi !
Thanks for the quick answer.
I see the idea, let's hope it gets developped a bit more!

Yeah, right now, that's how I'm doing it, i'm using this matrix transformation in Unity (just a few lines of codes) and it works fine but since it is in global space, I need to make sure that my models are placed in the same way they were in CloudCompare else, they won't get aligned.
I'm not sure I understood what you meant by "projects the points this way" ? Can you elaborate a bit please ?
Thank you :D
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Re: Local coordinates

Post by daniel »

Well, you can apply the matrix transformation in CloudCompare instead of Unity basically? (with the Edit > Apply transformation tool)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Axel G
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Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:27 am

Re: Local coordinates

Post by Axel G »

Since i'm using the Fine Registration (ICP) tool isn't the matrix transformation already applied?
You mean exporting the file I'm working on in order to use it in Unity?
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Re: Local coordinates

Post by daniel »

I thought you needed to transform something in Unity after the registration (in which case you could have done it in CloudCompare). But if not, you can forget about that ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Axel G
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:27 am

Re: Local coordinates

Post by Axel G »

Thank you for you help :D
i'll keep an eye on what comes next! good luck !
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