Is there a way for CloudCompare command (when called from the command-line) to act like when the `Preserve global shift on save` is unchecked (in Global shift/scale popup window), i.e. to transform 'big' coordinates by re-centering and translation?
I'm trying to convert an e57 point-cloud to ply and since the xy coordinates are many order of magnitudes bigger than z, I need to transform these coordinates upon saving the resulting ply file. I know I can do it by opening the ply file in CloudCompare UI, unchecking that checkbox, and saving again the ply, but I'm trying to automate that with a bash script.
For the time being, my command looks like the following:
Save ply from command-line without preserving global shift
Re: Save ply from command-line without preserving global shift
My bad, I think adding `-DROP_GLOBAL_SHIFT` to my command gave the result I was expecting.