Good morning.
I recently saved a bin file using the last alpha release 2.12 and I noticed it can't be opened by the previous software versions. Unfortunatley, the 2.12 release is not available for Mac users and they can't open my bin files. I'm wondering if there is any way to fix this issue and when a new release will be available for Mac users.
Thank you
.bin files from the 2.12 release not opened by previous SW versions
Re: .bin files from the 2.12 release not opened by previous SW versions
Ah no, sadly BIN files are generally not retro-compatible to previous versions... You would have to save the data to another format in this case?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: .bin files from the 2.12 release not opened by previous SW versions
(and hopefully, a macOS version will be available in a near future!)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: .bin files from the 2.12 release not opened by previous SW versions
Thank you! I will wait for a new macOS version.