Ability to PAN while in mid-command in SEGMENTATION tool

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Ability to PAN while in mid-command in SEGMENTATION tool

Post by JoeKan »

Hi Daniel,

Is it possible to PAN the screen display while using the SEGMENT tool?

Usage - I zoom into a point cloud so points in a specific area are visible and then am using the SEGMENT tool to cut that area out. However, to continue placing the segmentation green line of the SEGMENT tool, I need to PAN the screen to show more of the area so I can continue to apply the segmentation line.
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Re: Ability to PAN while in mid-command in SEGMENTATION tool

Post by JoeKan »

No - it is not possible. The Segmentation green line is relative to the screen and not the model, so any rotation or movement will change the view of the point cloud but will not change the position of the segmentation green line in relation to the screen.

The segmentation green line would have to be in the same coordinate system as the point cloud (relative to the point cloud and not the screen) and the rotation/tilt/view perspective of the model would have to be locked so the point cloud can only PAN in the same plane as the green segmentation line.

It was a thought... :)
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Re: Ability to PAN while in mid-command in SEGMENTATION tool

Post by daniel »

The only way to convert the segmentation line to the cloud coordinate system is to export it indeed. But that can only be done once the polygon is 'closed/stabilized'... I guess what you describe is always possible (with a shortcut or something like that), but that would require quite some work.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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