Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

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Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by usrQuest »


I'm using CloudCompare v2.5.5.2 on Windows 8. It crashes everytime when I try Delaunay 2D triangulation on a set of points. I don't know why, but it works perfectly on Windows 7 platform. I tried CC v2.6.0 also, but the same problem is with this version too. I don't know how to fix this problem.

Please help.

Thank you
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by daniel »

Yep, this is a known bug of the Windows 8 version. The third party library we use for Delaunay (Triangle library) silently crashes without notice...

I don't have any Windows 8 license so I can't debug this myself. We are still looking for a way to fix this (i.e. someone with a compiled version on Windows 8 and some minimal skills in C++ ;).

Hopefully it will be fixed in the next release version.
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by fberna »

I am using win7 64 and CC version 2.6.0. It crashes every time I try to run Delaunay 2D.

Any suggestion on what could I do wrong?
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by daniel »

Can you try with the latest latest 2.6.1.beta version? (see the 'Download' page of the website).

It fixes a similar issue (normally happening only on Windows 8, but who knows!).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by fberna »

Thanks Daniel,

Got the 2.6.1.beta

Import the E57 files coming from faro scene. Merge my 12 scan files into one. Select the resulting file and then Edit - Mesh - Delaunay 2.5D

it starts and between 10 and 40 sec later it crashes.

Machine is i7-5820 @ 3.30 GHz, graphic card GeForce GTX 780 Ti
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by daniel »

What is the size of the cloud? And do you see a memory shortage (with the Task Manager)?

I remember that on the 32 bits version the Delaunay library was crashing around 12 M. points (but I never experienced this issue with the 64 bits version - not sure I tried with many more points though).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by fberna »

right clicking on the file I get:

Point(s): 172,044,985
Triangle(s): 0
Color(s): 172,044,985

Cloud(s): 1

Mesh(es): 0

I have a fast machine with 32 GB of DR4 RAM, so memory is not the problem. Another colleague was able to get the same file work, so it must be something wrong here, but no clue on what it could possibly be...
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by daniel »

Well with this many points that will produce a huge mesh and I'm already quite impressed if you say that it works on another machine!

But to get back to your problem: it's hard to tell ;). Does CloudCompare crashes/closes without notice or is there an error message before?

You could also try to uncheck the 'Try to load clouds on the GPU for faster display' option in the display settings and even hide the cloud before launching the meshing process (just a random guess).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Crashing while doing Delaunay 2D triangulation

Post by fberna »

it has to do with the size of the cloud. Tried with a much smaller file and it works.

will have to find out what the limit is.
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