Feature requests

To post any request/idea for new functionalities
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Feature requests

Post by adriantaylor09 »

Hi Daniel,

Love your work, I've been using CloudCompare for a while now and it is probably the most useful software tool I work with (and I work with some rather expensive point cloud processing software!). I have a couple of feature requests which I think would enhance my own CloudCompare experience, and hopefully others too.

1. measurements along an axis:
Often, after the point cloud is aligned, I want to make a measurement between two points but rather than have the euclidian distance, I want to know the distance along the X axis Y axis and Z axis. Currently to achieve this, I use the point picking list and calculate the distances manually.

2. A background grid.
Cloud compare is awesome for creating visual output, this could be enhanced I think by adding a background grid, perhaps with custom grid spacing, major and minor grid lines etc.

My last request is probably not easy but I'll put it out there anyway...

3. Web browser based viewer.

Sharing point clouds is not always an easy task. Sometimes you just want to show someone the results of a scan, you don't want that person to have to install CC or CCViewer, which they may never need again, just to look at your work. How awesome would it be if you could open up a point cloud in a browser and have all the beauty and functionality of CCViewer! Currently, to achieve this I use the Potree project (http://potree.org/) which is nice, but I prefer CC!
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Re: Feature requests

Post by daniel »

1. Strangely, I'm quite sure that the vector coordinates were displayed when picking a 'vector' label (point picking between two points). I'll restore this asap.

2. Interesting idea. I'll add this to the TODO list.

3. Ah! When people ask me about web based point cloud display I always answer... potree ;). I really don't know how to use (part of) CC's code in a web-based application. We'll need the insight of a pro...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Feature requests

Post by Yanni »


Do you still consider Potree as the only web based point cloud viewer ?
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Re: Feature requests

Post by daniel »

Well I'm not very much 'into' web-based point cloud rendering so I'm not aware of all the news around.

But at least Potree seems to still be a neat solution ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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