Hi everybody.
I'm trying to use cc on a virtual machine with ubuntu 14.04 running but there are a few issues.
First of all, when i try to run it, the blue screen remains superimposed to everything, even firefox while i'm writing this and even the menu and the hints (from the buttons just above it).
Another problem is that when i successfully open a .ply file, sometimes when i rotate the point cloud i get an error on the console:
[ccGLWindows::fullRenderingPass (FBO stop)] OpenGL error: invalid operation
This one doesn't really do anything else, it's just something you may want to check.
Quite often when i try to quit it, it crashes and doesn't quit at all. The only way to quit it is by killing the process.
The biggest problem, though, is when i try to open a 22.8 MB .ply file. It just crashes and quits instantly.
Do you have any idea why is all of this happening?
I also have a few problems with the non-virtual machine version but i'll probably open another thread.
Thank you in advance!
Problems on Ubuntu 14.04 (VirtualBox)
Re: Problems on Ubuntu 14.04 (VirtualBox)
Am i the only one experiencing theese problems?