id like to visualise a point cloud and some contour lines i created with the cross section tool on a Power Wall.
But first i have to write a converter for it, so id like to ask how the Poly Lines which built the Contour are written in the .bin file.
I allready found this:
Which helped me a bit but i need the info about the Poly Lines.the content is as following:
[4 bytes - unsigned int] the number of clouds stored in the file
then for each cloud:
[4 bytes - unsigned int] the number of points in the cloud
[1 byte - unsigned char] binary flags with the following bits (from least to most significant) :
- bit 1: always '1'
- bit 2: cloud has colors
- bit 3: cloud has normals
- bit 4: cloud has an associated scalar field (per-point scalar value)
- bit 5-8: not used (0)
then for each point
[3*4 bytes - floats] X,Y,Z coordinates
if cloud has colors: [3*1 bytes - unsigned char] RGB values
if cloud has normals: [3*4 bytes - floats] (Nx,Ny,Nz) values
if cloud has a scalar field: [4 bytes - float] scalar value
My Binfile contains the Point Cloud, the Contours and the Slices.
Anyone here who could help me?
Thanks a lot in advance.