animation plugin problem Mac OS X v2.8.0

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animation plugin problem Mac OS X v2.8.0

Post by Tom »

Hi Daniel,

Thank you very much for the software.

I just installed cloud compare on Mac OS and when opening it I get the following message:

[09:39:00] [Plugin] File 'libQANIMATION_PLUGIN.dylib' doesn't seem to be a valid plugin (Cannot load library /Applications/ (dlopen(/Applications/, 5): Library not loaded: /Users/maloney/dev/Cellar/ffmpeg/3.2.2/lib/libswresample.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found))

I tried to google it and read a similar post on the forum, but couldn't get any answer. Moreover, I have an issue opening files, don't know whether it's related to the plugin error or not: when I click "open file" and browse to the folder where I have some las files, they are all greyed out and I can't actually select any of them. I can open them in ccviewer and other software, even though I have some coordinates problem to solve, but I can load them.

I would appreciate any help

Thank you,
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Re: animation plugin problem Mac OS X v2.8.0

Post by daniel »

Can you try with the latest 2.8.1 version? (I believe it's online since yesterday on Andy's webpage ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:59 am

Re: animation plugin problem Mac OS X v2.8.0

Post by Tom »

Ok now something's improved, cc v2.8.1 opens without any error message.
My problem might be related to something else then, like missing liblas library or other prerequisites.
I'm really not familiar with this kind of stuff, but I probably can figure it out with someway.
Just wanted to make sure it was not related to some internal error.
Thank you
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