when I complied with laslib, there have 63 errors appear, like the follow, how can I solve it? thank you.
错误 4 error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "public: __cdecl liblas::Color::Color(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (??0Color@liblas@@QEAA@III@Z),该符号在函数 "public: virtual enum CC_FILE_ERROR __cdecl LASFilter::saveToFile(class ccHObject *,class QString,struct FileIOFilter::SaveParameters &)" (?saveToFile@LASFilter@@UEAA?AW4CC_FILE_ERROR@@PEAVccHObject@@VQString@@AEAUSaveParameters@FileIOFilter@@@Z) 中被引用 E:\OpenSource\bulid\libs\qCC_io\LASFilter.obj QCC_IO_LIB
las1.81 boost1.57
Re: las1.81 boost1.57
Looks like another linking issue. If an compilation error occurs (or a linking error of one of the core libraries) then all the others will complain.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: las1.81 boost1.57
I always can't support the las, when I complie, many error happen, why?
Re: las1.81 boost1.57
Could you avoid duplicating the threads please?
If it doesn't compile, it's probably because either the CMake configuration is wrong, or the libraries you are trying to link are wrong (wrong version / wrong configuration / etc.).
If it doesn't compile, it's probably because either the CMake configuration is wrong, or the libraries you are trying to link are wrong (wrong version / wrong configuration / etc.).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin