No shades on mesh

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No shades on mesh

Post by miamoto »

Hello again,
When I import meshes into CC, they appear without shades (whole blunt green color, or whole black color - which I can disble by turning normals invisible after Edit>mesh>flag vertices by type).
Is there any way to adjust this view issue?
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Re: No shades on mesh

Post by daniel »

If your mesh has a 'green' blunt color, it means that it has no normals (check the console, it should have a warning about this ;). In this case you can compute normals: select the mesh, then go to 'Edit > Normals > Compute'. You'll then have to choose between smooth per-vertex normals, or sharp per-triangle ones (it depends on your mesh actually).

If your mesh has a 'black' blunt color whatever the orientation, it means that it has wrong normals (probably coming from a STL file?). In this case, you'll also have to compute new normals.

Another option if you don't have normals (or if you delete the bad normals) is to activate the EDL shader (Display > Shaders & filters > EDL). It's very efficient, but it's only at display time (i.e. it can't be exported when the mesh is saved).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: No shades on mesh

Post by miamoto »

Once more, Thanks a lot, Daniel.
I tried doing these steps, but none of them worked. The mesh I opened used to display correctly on my older version of CC (2.6). It was also 3D printed, so I guess it´s good overall. I tried also .stl, .obj. .off meshes, and all of them were either black ou blunt green (although EDL shader helped visualize). The off mesh was blunt green, but turned black after computing normals.
Here´the console transcript, in case it might help:

[12:17:52] [ccColorScalesManager] Found 0 custom scale(s) in persistent settings
[12:17:52] [Plugins] Plugin lookup dirs: C:/Program Files/CloudCompare/plugins
[12:17:52] Found plugin: qAnimationPlugin (QANIMATION_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Blur (shader) (QBLUR_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: CEA virtual broom (QBROOM_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: CANUPO classification (QCANUPO_PLUGIN_DLL.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Mesh Boolean Operations (QCORK_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: CSF Filter (QCSF_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: CSV Matrix I/O filter (QCSV_MATRIX_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: DotProduct I/O filter (QDOT_PRODUCT_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: E.D.L. (shader) (QEDL_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: ELlipser (Ellipse marking) (QELLIPSER_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Facet/fracture detection (QFACETS_PLUGIN_DLL.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Hough Normals Computation (QHOUGH_NORMALS_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Hidden Point Removal (QHPR_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: LAS FWF I/O filter (QLAS_FWF_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: M3C2 distance (QM3C2_PLUGIN_DLL.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: PCL I/O filter (QPCL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: PCL wrapper (QPCL_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: P.C.V. (Ambient Occlusion) (QPCV_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Photoscan I/O filter (QPHOTOSCAN_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Poisson Surface Reconstruction (QPOISSON_RECON_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: RANSAC Shape Detection (QRANSAC_SD_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] [Plugin] File 'QRDB_IO_PLUGIN.dll' doesn't seem to be a valid plugin (Cannot load library C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\plugins\QRDB_IO_PLUGIN.dll: Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado.)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Riegl I/O filter (QRIEGL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: Surface of Revolution Analysis (QSRA_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] Found plugin: S.S.A.O. (shader) (QSSAO_PLUGIN.dll)
[12:17:52] [Plugin][CSV Matrix I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: CSV
[12:17:52] [Plugin][DotProduct I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: DP
[12:17:52] [Plugin][LAS FWF I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: LAS
[12:17:52] [Plugin][PCL I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: PCD
[12:17:52] [Plugin][Photoscan I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: PSZ
[12:17:52] [Plugin][Riegl I/O filter] New file extension(s) registered: RDS
[12:17:52] [ccGLWindow] Perspective is on by default (object-centered)
[12:17:52] [3D Mouse] Could not open a 3DxWare device
[12:17:52] CloudCompare started!
[12:17:52] [3D View 1] Graphics card manufacturer: NVIDIA Corporation
[12:17:52] [3D View 1] Renderer: GeForce GTX 960M/PCIe/SSE2
[12:17:52] [3D View 1] GL version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 369.09
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] GLSL Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] VBOs available
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] Shaders available
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] GL filters available
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] Color ramp shader loaded successfully
[12:17:53] [3D View 1] Stereo mode: not supported
[12:17:53] [ccGLWindow] 3D view initialized
[12:17:53] [Global Shift] Max abs. coord = 1e+4 / max abs. diag = 1e+6
[12:18:24] [STL] Loading 'D:/arara_cubatao/Arara_Protese.stl'
[12:18:24] [STL] Detected format: BINARY
[12:18:25] [STL] 617556 points, 205852 face(s)
[12:18:25] [STL] Remaining vertices after auto-removal of duplicate ones: 102836
[12:18:25] [STL] Remaining faces after auto-removal of duplicate ones: 205852
[12:18:25] [I/O] File 'D:/arara_cubatao/Arara_Protese.stl' loaded successfully
[12:18:43] [STL] Loading 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/protese_ASCII.stl'
[12:18:43] [STL] Detected format: ASCII
[12:18:44] [STL] 167919 points, 55973 face(s)
[12:18:45] [STL] Remaining vertices after auto-removal of duplicate ones: 28161
[12:18:45] [STL] Remaining faces after auto-removal of duplicate ones: 55933
[12:18:45] [I/O] File 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/protese_ASCII.stl' loaded successfully
[12:18:46] [Load] Can't guess file format: unhandled file extension 'mtl'
[12:18:56] [OBJ] D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/protese_OBJ.obj
[12:18:56] [OBJ] Material file: protese_OBJ.mtl
[12:18:56] [OBJ] 1 materials loaded
[12:19:02] [OBJ] 277516 points, 555028 faces
[12:19:02] [OBJ] 277516 tex. coords, 276050 normals
[12:19:02] [OBJ] 1 mesh loaded - 1 group(s)
[12:19:02] [I/O] File 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/protese_OBJ.obj' loaded successfully
[12:19:06] [OFF] Mesh has no normal! You can manually compute them (select it then call "Edit > Normals > Compute")
[12:19:06] [I/O] File 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/' loaded successfully
Site Admin
Posts: 7853
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:34 am
Location: Grenoble, France

Re: No shades on mesh

Post by daniel »

Have you maybe shut the light off? (F6)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:58 am

Re: No shades on mesh

Post by miamoto »

OMG, I feel very stupid yet delighted for seeing things work.. I tried finding the "lights" but couldn´t, seems like they appear off on the latest download..
Adequate meshes displayed correctly now. Normal computing worked fine now. Still struggling with Cork´s ingenious personality.

[12:45:53] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:45:53] Computation failed!
[12:47:16] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:47:16] Computation failed!
[12:47:23] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:47:23] Computation failed!
[12:47:30] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:47:30] Computation failed!
[12:48:08] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:48:08] Computation failed!
[12:48:16] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:48:17] Computation failed!
[12:48:26] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:48:26] Computation failed!
[12:49:48] [OFF] Mesh has no normal! You can manually compute them (select it then call "Edit > Normals > Compute")
[12:49:48] [I/O] File 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/' loaded successfully
[12:50:02] [OFF] Mesh has no normal! You can manually compute them (select it then call "Edit > Normals > Compute")
[12:50:02] [I/O] File 'D:/prj/joao_vitor_FLN/' loaded successfully
[12:50:41] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:50:41] Computation failed!
[12:50:49] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:50:49] Computation failed!
[12:50:57] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:50:57] Computation failed!
[12:51:26] Exception caught: ENSURE FAILED
[12:51:27] Computation failed!

Do you think it would work insisting more?
Thanks a lot for your wisdom and time!
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Posts: 7853
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:34 am
Location: Grenoble, France

Re: No shades on mesh

Post by daniel »

No, actually two times is sufficient (if it doesn't work on the second time, then Cork really doesn't like your mesh!)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:58 am

Re: No shades on mesh

Post by miamoto »

hahaa that´s cool.
I´ll try to please him with other meshes.
Thank you so much!
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