I am sorry but I havent been able to install CC in literally any way, snap or snapd havent worked and I tried to follow the steps for building it from source but I couldnt work it out.
My problems actually come from the part that uses the cmake-qt-gui. I understand that after cloning the repository I should build the project in a different folder, so I tried to do it with
and after running make install inside ./trunk/build, but it sais that I am running an older version of cmake, which is not possible and I checked out since I installed the latest one. If i install the cmake-gui package and then run it when I press the configure button it tells me that I am using a version of Qt older than 5.6, but I actually downloaded 5.8 so again this is not possible.cmake ./trunk ./trunk/build
I just feel I am loosing my mind over this steps, can anyone clarify my path?