Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:08 pm
Just wondering, when you have the C2M distance computed, and the colour scale on the right showing the distances - what measurements are these? Are they in cm? Or does it depend on what cloud/mesh you are using. ATM, my clouds/mesh do not come with a measurement, they have been created through photographs, so I think are in pixels?
I am trying to determine the difference between 2 clouds/mesh so that I can see the change, so would like to be able to say "it has changed by ?cm over 6 months"
Is this possible?
Just wondering, when you have the C2M distance computed, and the colour scale on the right showing the distances - what measurements are these? Are they in cm? Or does it depend on what cloud/mesh you are using. ATM, my clouds/mesh do not come with a measurement, they have been created through photographs, so I think are in pixels?
I am trying to determine the difference between 2 clouds/mesh so that I can see the change, so would like to be able to say "it has changed by ?cm over 6 months"
Is this possible?