reorientation of a plane

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reorientation of a plane

Post by Ingsayyad »

I want to select points and fit a plane. Then I want to say this plane shlould be taken as north, south, east, west etc. It means from plane normal, new coordinates should
be calculated and then transformation should be done. Is it possible with current version.. if not plaese put it into TODO list.
If not possible how can I do it manulally or easily or advance.......any solution or suggestion... I just want to rotate all my scans in certain direction.
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Re: reorientation of a plane

Post by daniel »

Right now, you can only transform the cloud so that the plane normal becomes (0,0,1). But from here you can easily apply a rotation - with the simple (axis,angle) form of the 'Edit > Apply transformation' tool - to transform it to another simple direction.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: reorientation of a plane

Post by fifi »

bounding box.jpg
bounding box.jpg (231.06 KiB) Viewed 8900 times

I have a data set (please see attached print screen) which I wish to modify the coordinate so that the bounding box plane is parallel to the facade's plane. I mean how I can modify the coordinates of this particular point cloud based on main coordinate system of software? Can you please advise?

Kind regards,
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Re: reorientation of a plane

Post by daniel »


there's multiple solutions (select the cloud first):
  • use the manual transformation tool ('Edit > Translate/rotate') but it will be approximate
  • fit a plane on the cloud (with 'Tools > Fit > Plane') then right click on the plane entity in the DB tree (should be a child of the cloud) and click on 'Align camera'. You'll see a matrix output in the Console (F8). Copy this matrix (CTRL+C) then select the cloud, open the 'Edit > Apply transformation' tool and paste the matrix there. Apply this transformation and your cloud should be aligned with the (XY) plane
  • with the latest beta release (v2.6.1.beta online) you can automate this with the new 'Tools > Level' tool that let you pick 3 points so as to define an (horizontal) plane that will be used to re-orientate the plane automatically (i.e. the plane is made parallel to the (XY) plane once again). You can afterwards apply some simple transformations (with 'Edit > Apply transformation') so as to get the right orientation (i.e. the plane parallel to the XZ or YZ planes)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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change background colour-Structured format of data

Post by fifi »

Thanks for answering my question, I have tow more questions and would appreciate if you can please reply:

Question No. 1:
I wish I can have the points sorted in a way that each point has its own address. I mean how it is possible to sort them for instance:
- based on the time of capturing/recording each point information
- based on label of each point, like point number
- or any other possible feature which can be useful
Is there anyway to export the data from Cloud Compare in such an organized format? I would like to use such location address and organized/structured format to find the neighbourhood of each point.

Question No. 2:
How I can change the background colour of cloud compare. As I need to get a print screen shot of point cloud and using the current black background does not display of point cloud properly.

Thank you,
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Re: reorientation of a plane

Post by daniel »

Q1: there's no direct way to do this. You can export the file to ASCII format and use another tool (Matlab, Excel) to sort the rows/points based on an associated scalar value.

Q2: look at the 'Display settings': ... y_settings
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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