LAZ/LAS import error
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:21 pm
Using version CloudCompare Omnia 2.9.1 [Windows 64-bit]
When attempting to import either LAZ or LAS generated using Global Mapper I have been given the errors below. I've not changed any of my normal processes and have not had this error before.
I updated Cloud Compare and received the same errors.
Liblas exception 'version minor out of range'
An error occurred while loading 'Ground': the third-party library is in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception
Any tips how to overcome this issue?
When attempting to import either LAZ or LAS generated using Global Mapper I have been given the errors below. I've not changed any of my normal processes and have not had this error before.
I updated Cloud Compare and received the same errors.
Liblas exception 'version minor out of range'
An error occurred while loading 'Ground': the third-party library is in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception
Any tips how to overcome this issue?