How to identify colour changes beyond a threshold between tow point clouds?

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How to identify colour changes beyond a threshold between tow point clouds?

Post by garlac »

Hi All,

I am new to CC and exploring its different features.I would like to thank all the contributors for this wonderful project.

I have a requirement where I need to identify the texture changes between two point clouds of same location....changes beyond a threshold value should be highlighted.

Is it possible to do that using CC..or any other similar software.?

Thank you and Have a good day.
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Re: How to identify colour changes beyond a threshold between tow point clouds?

Post by daniel »

Do you mean a 'texture' like in a textured 3D model?

I'am afraid there's no easy way to compare colors anyway. You can do some things (like interpolating the colors from one cloud to the others, and then converting these colors to scalar fields to be able to compute the difference between two scalar fields of the same cloud...). But in the end you compare only one channel, or the grey level...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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