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Visualisation Question

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:59 am
by Geononymous
Hi there dear CC-Community,

i am working on a vegetated dune. Data consist of point cloud, orthophoto, DEM. Somehow i have to mark the vegetation present on the dune. qCANUPO is not the best solution, as it should be clearly visible where vegetation is present.

So up until now i marked in Globalmapper in the corresponding orthophoto every plant as an area using polylines (tedious, but oh well), i exported all areas as *.dxf and connected it to elevation values from the corresponding DEM. This gives the polylines altitudes so i can load the dxf file into CloudCompare on top of my 3D M3C2 result.

BUT: only the lines are visible in CC and the area within is not filled with colour. I am able to change the colour of the outline, but how can i fill every "closed" polyline? Is it possible to do so inside CC? Is there maybe a workaround in Globalmapper (maybe i need to export from globalmapper to another file format?)

The picture makes it more clear what i want :) (did that manually in photoshop)


Example.png (1.14 MiB) Viewed 1172 times

Re: Visualisation Question

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:07 pm
by daniel
If you need to color the 'inside' then you actually need a polygon, not a polyline. The easiest way to do that is to mesh the polyline I think.
Either in GlobalMapper if that's possible (and then export it as a mesh file that CC can support).

Or use CC's 2.5D triangulation tool. This might give you a polygon more extended than your polyline (if it's concave) but there are several ways to reduce it afterwards.

Re: Visualisation Question

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:34 pm
by Geononymous
Hey Daniel,

thanks for the reply. It got me to the solution. Inside CloudCompare i was able to create a polygon from a polyline under "Tools - Projection - Contour Plot (polylines) to mesh". But it got the wrong result as shown in figure. Every option inside "Edit - Mesh" was grayed out when highlighting a polyline.
The solution was inside globoalmapper, where i could export wavefront *.obj files which CloudCompare is able to visualize. If the in depth Solution is wanted i can post it here. But it's no CloudCompare matter.

Thanks again for the reply!
Unbenannt-1.jpg (520.24 KiB) Viewed 1133 times