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Scaling and Registering a Point Cloud

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:27 pm
by eliscio
Hello All,

I have some projects where I would like to register a photogrammetry project (with no scale) done with open source tools to a laser scan or some other data that has dimensions. I wish to use the laser scan data as a reference to scale and register the photogrammetry point cloud. is this possibe with CC?



Re: Scaling and Registering a Point Cloud

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:47 pm
by adjablon
Hi Eugene,

How did you create your photogrammetry point cloud? I think you should be able to use CC for what you are trying to do; for the project I am working on I am doing something very similar to you. I have a point cloud generated from a series of photos using computer vision, and a laser scan of the same object.

The point cloud from images is on a different scale than the laser scan, but CC lets you upscale/downscale point clouds. You can also measure the distance between points, which is also needed to get the scaling factor. The wiki does a pretty good job explaining it here: ... _3D_models

It ends up working really well; the registered data-sets I have are perfect for the analysis we are trying to do.