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Another display problem

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:39 pm
by thales
Hi All,

I am using Cloud Compare Version: 2.11 rc1 (Anoia) Stereo (Windows 64 bit) with 32GB RAM.

During editing, when the Segment Tool is selected, the majority of the points (which I need to "lasso" and delete) disappear, leaving only vague outlines of more solid features, such as walls.

This leads to guessing where the points for editing are - not very precise, so not very workable.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there a way around it, to continue with accurate editing?

Apologies if this has already been covered - if so please point me in the direction of the topic.


Re: Another display problem

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:58 pm
by WargodHernandez
Yes it's a known problem, fixed in the master branch. It only affects point clouds while displaying scalar fields during segmentation. If you change to display either color or nothing (this will turn all points white) then the segmentation will not have any impact on display.

Re: Another display problem

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 6:23 pm
by thales
Hi Wargod,

Many thanks for your rapid reply - will try it tomorrow, when back at the pc.


Re: Another display problem

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:35 pm
by WargodHernandez
I have fixed this bug on the v2.11.x branch, so as soon as Daniel posts the next release you'll have access without having to compile.