I'm not very good a coding but I'm trying to write a small batch file for Windows that I can place in a folder containing a bunch of tiled .las files to generate a tiled RGB raster.
set /p grid="Enter grid size in meters: "
for %%f in (*.las) do (
START C:\"Program Files"\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO "%%~nf.las" -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP %grid% -PROJ AVG -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -OUTPUT_RASTER_RGB
In general it works.
Unfortunately, it is opening all files one after the other without waiting until CloudCompare has finished processing one file. Is there a way to get a some sort of "finished" signal from CC so the batch can continue with the next file? Or am I asking too much from such a simple batch file? :)
Hey Philipp!
I need to process (ptcloud to raster) in batch and i have seen your post - it looks like you are able to "run it in batch". Mind if we chat a little about it? Im new to this, i got some basic skills in python, but im kinda stuck in this batch processing. In general, i have laz files in one folder and i need to use them to create raster from two particulart codes - medium and high vegetation - preferably all in one 0/1 raster or any other solution that will provide info if there is medium/high vegetation on the pixel.