Hello Daniel,
I have a question about exporting Contours to .SHP
When I create a contour of 3 point clouds via the cross-section, I get a folder Contours in the DB Tree. In this case with the layer names depot_1, depot_2, depot_3.
Is it possible to include these names in the .DBF of the .SHP?
Now in the .DBF there is a column with FeatID and Local_idx. Can you add a extra column with the layer names here?
It is then helpful to understand which contour you are dealing with. PS: I have already used the program a number of times and it works very well! Thanks!
question export to SHP with layernames
Re: question export to SHP with layernames
Hum, sadly I don't see how we could do that easily with the way things are currently implemented.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: question export to SHP with layernames
OK!, Thanks for your response! :)