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Manual editing of each point of a polyline

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:21 am
by rhemmi
Hi, there!

I'm a beginner-level user and I've been so excited at the incredible functionality of the CloudCompare these days.
I have one simple request for the manual picking of a polyline (If I'm missing a corresponding function or plugin, can you let me know, please).

When extracting and/or loading a polyline, sometimes you might think that one or more points (vertices) consisting the polyline should be manually moved to some extent, instead of deleting the last point or the entire existing polyline and creating a new one.

This is similar to the manual editing of the points of the existing polygon shape feature on the 2D space of a GIS interface, or the modification of the vertex of the figure in the PowerPoint (attached)

However, at this moment, I cannot find any corresponding function.

If this request fits your recent update plan, please consider the addition of such function, which makes me and my colleagues happier.


Re: Manual editing of each point of a polyline

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:07 pm
by daniel

That's currently not planned, but I believe it might already be in the TODO list (and if not, we'll have to add it of course).

But it's hard to know if and when it will be implemented in this case...

Re: Manual editing of each point of a polyline

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:22 am
by rhemmi

Thank you for your quick reply. We'll seek for the other solution for a while.

