Really sorry if this question is already on the board, i could not find an answer for this in days.
I am currently trying to convert my bag files from an Ouster sensor (os-0-128) to .las files.
By using pcl_ros bag_to_pcd i managed to get ±800 pcd files from single .bag file (duration of record = 90sec). The next step was to use PDAL pcd to las, but it did not work out. The PCD reader does not handle binary well (which is represented by _ in the header).
So i found a terminal command here:
Code: Select all
cloudcompare.CloudCompare -SILENT -O a.pcd -C_EXPORT_FMT ASC -ADD_HEADER -SAVE_CLOUDS FILE "a.asc"
So my question is: can i translate whole directory of pcd files with this kind of tool? If yes, would you please tell me how?
Big thanks in advance!