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distances computation plane-cloud

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 9:54 am
by geodesydrone

I have a question about computing distances.

I made a point cloud from a apartment floor i need to map a distances from a beam to a given plane to know how to level up a floor. Can that be done in cloud compare?

Many thanks

Re: distances computation plane-cloud

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 12:24 pm
by daniel
Is the beam part of the point cloud?

If yes, then you can isolate the beam with the scissors tool for instance (well, it's not mandatory, but it will make things clearer and faster).

Then you'll have to define your plane one way or another (there are several ways to create planes, but most commonly it's either manually with the 'Edit > Create > Plane' tool, or by fitting a plane on some points.

Last, you can compute the 'Cloud/Mesh' distances between your (beam) cloud and this plane.