CSV file with z values only
Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:18 pm
Hello community!
I have a csv file that only consists of z values of points. The values are put in an array of 5843 columns and 2461 lines, as I could see in Excel. The data is coming from an electronic microscope. If delivers a tif image of the surface which also contains the height data. With a special program I can extract a csv file. I have no setting options, so this is the only kind of file I have. The x and y distances of the points would need to be entered manually. I have still to figure those out by checking the magnification and the camera resolution (but I'm at home now). But let's say those are 1µm. I would need to rescale the 3D file later anyway to serve my purpose (3D printing). I am used to having csv files with x, y and z coordinates written in them. Can I import such an csv file to CloudCompare and get a point cloud or even a mesh? I'm new with this program. It popped up when I tried to ask Google about the problem and remembered I got it installed for a while now. I could really use some help or a strategy to get forward.
Best regards,
Edit: I forgot to mention, that the values use a comma as decimal point and a semicolon to separate the values. As a test I tried to import the file. I could set up the semicolon to be recognized as separator but I could not tech the program to understand comma as decimal point. In the preview all points were marked red and ignored. As the file I mentioned is a test file with just a size of 55MB I could edit it in notepad++. After replacing all commas with points, I could import the file to CloudCompare. Unfortunately I could not set all points as z value or define the x and y distances. Importing gave me a crazy curvy line made of points but not a tame x-y array with variable height.
The actual files I need to make a point cloud (or a mesh) of are 1.8GB in size. I made that test file to try almost a dozen different 3D programs and text editors to get closer to a solution but I'm out of options. Almost none of my programs ask for how to interpret the csv file. I might also add I cannot code at all. I'm a button presser, importer, exporter, copy-and-paster. OK, now I hope for the best :)
I have a csv file that only consists of z values of points. The values are put in an array of 5843 columns and 2461 lines, as I could see in Excel. The data is coming from an electronic microscope. If delivers a tif image of the surface which also contains the height data. With a special program I can extract a csv file. I have no setting options, so this is the only kind of file I have. The x and y distances of the points would need to be entered manually. I have still to figure those out by checking the magnification and the camera resolution (but I'm at home now). But let's say those are 1µm. I would need to rescale the 3D file later anyway to serve my purpose (3D printing). I am used to having csv files with x, y and z coordinates written in them. Can I import such an csv file to CloudCompare and get a point cloud or even a mesh? I'm new with this program. It popped up when I tried to ask Google about the problem and remembered I got it installed for a while now. I could really use some help or a strategy to get forward.
Best regards,
Edit: I forgot to mention, that the values use a comma as decimal point and a semicolon to separate the values. As a test I tried to import the file. I could set up the semicolon to be recognized as separator but I could not tech the program to understand comma as decimal point. In the preview all points were marked red and ignored. As the file I mentioned is a test file with just a size of 55MB I could edit it in notepad++. After replacing all commas with points, I could import the file to CloudCompare. Unfortunately I could not set all points as z value or define the x and y distances. Importing gave me a crazy curvy line made of points but not a tame x-y array with variable height.
The actual files I need to make a point cloud (or a mesh) of are 1.8GB in size. I made that test file to try almost a dozen different 3D programs and text editors to get closer to a solution but I'm out of options. Almost none of my programs ask for how to interpret the csv file. I might also add I cannot code at all. I'm a button presser, importer, exporter, copy-and-paster. OK, now I hope for the best :)