Rasterize SF from commandline
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:06 pm
I canĀ“t figure out how to export to tiff PCV SF,
"for %%f in (G:\LIDAR\2021\Guipuzcoa\test\*.las) DO "C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe" -SILENT -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO %%f -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -RASTERIZE SET_ACTIVE_SF 1 -GRID_STEP 0.5 -SF_PROJ MAX -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -SF_COLOR_SCALE Grey -OUTPUT_RASTER_Z
this is my .bat
plust it seems SF rasterization is broken, in manual and auto mode since no files are output. Workaround is to set autosave OFF, convert PCV to RGB ignoring existing colors and rasterize as RGB.
"for %%f in (G:\LIDAR\2021\Guipuzcoa\test\*.las) DO "C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe" -SILENT -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO %%f -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SET_ACTIVE_SF 11 -SF_COLOR_SCALE Grey_ColorScale.xml -SF_CONVERT_TO_RGB FALSE -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP 0.5 -SF_PROJ MAX -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -OUTPUT_RASTER_RGB "
the only pain of the workaround, which would be the same in the .bat that fails is the need to create a physical color scale, Accesing built in color scales would be awesome, like just "Grey"
I canĀ“t figure out how to export to tiff PCV SF,
"for %%f in (G:\LIDAR\2021\Guipuzcoa\test\*.las) DO "C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe" -SILENT -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO %%f -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -RASTERIZE SET_ACTIVE_SF 1 -GRID_STEP 0.5 -SF_PROJ MAX -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -SF_COLOR_SCALE Grey -OUTPUT_RASTER_Z
this is my .bat
plust it seems SF rasterization is broken, in manual and auto mode since no files are output. Workaround is to set autosave OFF, convert PCV to RGB ignoring existing colors and rasterize as RGB.
"for %%f in (G:\LIDAR\2021\Guipuzcoa\test\*.las) DO "C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\cloudcompare.exe" -SILENT -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO %%f -AUTO_SAVE OFF -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SET_ACTIVE_SF 11 -SF_COLOR_SCALE Grey_ColorScale.xml -SF_CONVERT_TO_RGB FALSE -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP 0.5 -SF_PROJ MAX -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -OUTPUT_RASTER_RGB "
the only pain of the workaround, which would be the same in the .bat that fails is the need to create a physical color scale, Accesing built in color scales would be awesome, like just "Grey"