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Evaluate difference in 2 point clouds

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:28 am
by ArveS

I am wondering if there is a function to highlight differences between to point clouds.

If I take a scan of lets say a class room. I then add some small objects, like a pencell, and some large objects like a chair and a perhaps an extra table to the same room and scan it again. I now have 2 scans of a class room, one with some objects more.

I would like to find a method of colorizing the added objects, or highlighting them on some sort, any ideas?
Can this be done automatically, or do we have to find the changes made by studying both of the point clouds.

I am asking as a client has specifically requested these sort of jobs.

Feel free to let me know if it is unclear what im asking

In advance, thanks for any assistans.

Best regards, Arve

Re: Evaluate difference in 2 point clouds

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:03 pm
by daniel
Well, just compute the distances between the 2 clouds? Then there are several ways to change the point colors based on their distance.