Animation Plugin creates invalid video

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Animation Plugin creates invalid video

Post by GaryStebbins »

I have just started using CC. One of my hopes was that I could generate animations of my models. I'm using CC 2.12 Beta, because I wanted the smooth trajectory option (it looks great).

However, every video file I've created seems to have problems with the video formatting. I have been unable to play anything using Windows Media Player. I have been able to play most files using VLC, although sometimes the playback is a bit jerky and there are lots of artifacts. When I attempt to load any generated file into Adobe Premiere Pro, I get the error "The file has an unsupported compression type."

I installed version CC 2.11.3, and the rendered video file seems to be proper format. It looks like there's a bug in the Animation Plugin in the 2.12 Beta.

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Re: Animation Plugin creates invalid video

Post by daniel »

Have you tried to change the output codec?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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