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Segment tool & confirm delte

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 3:35 am
by Marc
Hi im only new to using cloudcompare and would like to see a couple of things added if at all possible.

1. In the segment tool, the selections only have an option for a rectangle or polygon. Is there any chance to add a circle option please. I have to cut out trees from data or more the base of a tree when the CSF filter doesnt remove all of it.
2. Any chance you can have an option to confirm delete of a data file in the DB Tree, this can help in the case of accidentally deleting them.

Love the software and looking forward to learning how to use it better.


Re: Segment tool & confirm delte

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 12:27 pm
by daniel
I added these suggestions to the (way too long) TODO list.

While the 'circle' option has some chance to be implemented, the other one might be too annoying to a lot of users. But maybe an 'Undo' option would solve this issue as well ;)

Re: Segment tool & confirm delte

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:00 pm
by pfisk
i will put my vote for a circle selection/segment tool. I would use it regularly