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Broken mesh but not every time

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:19 am
by VirtalPeguin
I am trying to turn a point cloud into a mesh that I can import into Blender. I haven't counted, but I have tried saving the mesh from CloudCompare around 20 times and only 2 of those times did it save a mesh that wasn't broken. I did everything exactly the same every time I saved the mesh.

I have attached screenshots of the broken mesh. I don't think this is a problem with Blender because I have copies of the two working meshes that I saved from CloudCompare and they import completely fine every time into Blender. The broken mesh looks normal when viewed from exactly the front, but if I move the viewport angle even a slight bit, it looks completely broken.

Broken Mesh when viewing from the front:
mesh_front_broken.png (608.01 KiB) Viewed 602 times
Broken Mesh when viewing at an angle:
mesh_angle_broken.png (1005.24 KiB) Viewed 602 times
Working mesh when viewed from front:
mesh_front_working.png (609.63 KiB) Viewed 602 times
Working mesh from angle:
mesh_angle_working.png (468.86 KiB) Viewed 602 times
I am completely lost as to why this is happening.

The following is what I am doing to save the mesh:
1. Load the LAZ point cloud file into CC
2. Choose Intensity in the Scalar Fields section
3. Drag the yellow marker close to the black wave
4. Choose Classification in the Scalar Fields section
5. Drag the two circles so that it isolates the blue line at around 2
6. Edit -> Scalar Fields -> Filter by Value and then click export using the range from the two circles in step 5
7. Now with the exported point cloud selected, Edit -> Mesh -> Delaunay 2.5D (XY Plane)
8. Leave Max Edge Length at 0
9. Now I select the mesh and do FIle -> Save and save it as an OBJ.
10. Import OBJ into Blender and its broken

I have tried different file formats for the mesh too, but they are all broken for me. I am confused as to why it only worked two times but didn't work the other times. I have tried on a different device too and I get the same issue. I have tried on another point cloud file and also the same issue. I am using the latest stable version 2.12.4. Tested on Windows 11 and macOS Monterey.

Re: Broken mesh but not every time

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:26 pm
by daniel
Are you maybe keeping the large coordinates of the LAZ file? (i.e. without accepting to apply a Global Shift?)

Or is Blender even able to handle the large coordinates? Because what you see looks more like a display issue due to numerical inaccuracy...