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Compare 5 STL models

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:53 pm
Good evening,

unfortunately I have not been able to solve my problem with 3D Slicer. I want to merge 5 different models (STL, very similar) into one average model. Then I want to calculate and visualize the Hausdorff Distance and DICE Coefficient compared to this model. How would one proceed with CloudCompare?

Many thanks!

Re: Compare 5 STL models

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:23 am
by daniel
Merging the models the way you describe is not possible with CC.

If they are very very close, you could clone the vertices of each mesh (the cloud entity below each mesh), then merge these clouds (with Edit > Merge) and eventually try to re-mesh the resulting cloud with Poisson Reconstruction (and a not too high octree level). Due to how Poisson Surface Reconstruction works, it should kind of 'average' locally the points.