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Box Dimensions are orders of magnitude apart

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:18 pm
by Eric_Idaho
I'm having an issue with the box dimensions of my point cloud being orders of magnitude apart. The X and Y dimensions are ~0.001, and the Z dimension is ~14. This creates an issue with needing to zoom in to a level of 0.001 to even see the cloud, but also affects subsequent analysis. I'm not sure where the problem is or how to fix it and could use some help. I've read on other forum topics that the bounding box is set automatically to include all points in the cloud, but this doesn't make sense to me as there aren't points that far apart in my cloud.

For background, I'm using a .las file that has a georeferenced point cloud (coordinate system WGS 84). I'm using Agisoft Metashape software to generate and export the point cloud, which comes from drone-derived pictures of my study area. The issue happens as soon as I import the cloud. At first I thought the issue was related to the global shift that is applied, but when I adjust global shift parameters, it doesn't make any difference.

Any help is appreciated.


Re: Box Dimensions are orders of magnitude apart

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:40 pm
by daniel
That's typical of a cloud with 'Geographic Coordinate System' where X and Y are angles, and Z is in metric coordinates. This creates a big difference of scale, and this anisotropy is not managed by CC. CC can only handle cartesian coordinate system (all metric units for the 3 dimensions).

At best you could 'scale' the X and Y coordinates (with Edit > Multiply / Scale) but you'll still have the issue that the values are angles and not 'distances'. Ideally you should use a different projection mode in Agisoft.