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Shifting of elevation values

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:41 am
by alperasinmaz
Dear all,

I have .las pointcloud data and unfortunately it has 2m offset systematic error (z value-elevation). How can I correct this in CloudCompare? I assume I need to change the shifting parameter. What's the most accurate way to do it? Also, does changing the shifting parameter of the Z value effect the overall accuracy?


Re: Shifting of elevation values

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:34 pm
by daniel
No, keep the default Global Shift. Then you just have to use the 'Edit > Apply Transformation' and apply a translation of -2 along Z (with the second tab). Then save your could back to LAS, and it should have the original global coordinates shifted of 2 along Z.